Abstract Manifestations of authoritarian legacies serve as an indicator of declining democratic legitimacy. However, authoritarian attitudinal legacies seem to persist in stable Asian democracies. To explain this puzzle, we argue that in a certain context, authoritarian attitudes can increase satisfaction with democracy. Furthermore, this relationship is more pronounced where cor- ruption is effectively controlled. In...
Abstract How do local natives react to a sudden influx of asylum seekers? Scholarship has consistently found that respondents exposed to a refugee crisis tend to exhibit an increase in anti-immigrant attitudes. However, because most such studies have been conducted in a Western setting, we have surprisingly little understanding of how natives would react in...
Abstract There is extensive research about how bureaucracies in the developing world depart from the Weberian ideal and the ways in which corruption distorts the provision of public services. However, less is known about how citizens respond to the corruption they encounter in daily life. In this study, we implement a conjoint experiment to investigate...
Abstract Do female public servants receive a stronger negative public reaction from being involved in corruption than their male counterparts? While there are good theoretical reasons to suggest they do, the empirical evidence on this question to date, which primarily focuses on elected officials, remains inconclusive. To shed new light on this matter, we investigate...
Stefan D. McCabe, Diogo Ferrari, Jon Green, David M. J. Lazer & Kevin M. Esterling Abstract The social media platforms of the twenty-first century have an enormous role in regulating speech in the USA and worldwide1. However, there has been little research on platform-wide interventions on speech2,3. Here we evaluate the effect of the decision...
The effect of combining a populist rhetoric into right-wing positions on candidates’ electoral support Diogo Ferrari Abstract: Support for right-wing populist leaders has increased across the globe in recent years. As these leaders combine populism with often extreme positions such as anti-immigration and social conservatism, it is not clear if their support stems from their...
Research Handbook on Civil–Military Relations Elgar Handbooks in Political Science Edited by Aurel Croissant, Professor of Political Science, Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University, Germany and GSIS, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, S Korea, David Kuehn, Senior Research Fellow, GermanInstitute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany and David Pion-Berlin, Distinguished Professor, Department of Political...
Ferrari, D., & Arretche, M. (2024). The Effect of Information About Local Demand for Redistribution on Support for Territorial Transfers Among Affluent Groups. Political Studies, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00323217241232056 Abstract Many multitier polities have some scheme of territorial-based redistribution, which plays a crucial role in mitigating territorial inequality. This article looks at the public opinion on inter-regional...
Abstract Identity is among the most common explanations for political outcomes. Despite this, studies of politics often fail to clearly conceptualize or define identity, leading to tremendous variation in the use and application of the concept, much of which is at odds with fundamental tenets of research on the topic. Decades of research in psychology...
DeMora, S.L., Merolla, J.L., Newman, B. et al. Jesus was a Refugee: Religious Values Framing can Increase Support for Refugees Among White Evangelical Republicans. Polit Behav (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11109-024-09912-2 Abstract We consider how frames highlighting religious values shape opinion among individuals who may experience social identity conflict. White evangelical Republicans have ardently supported Donald Trump’s restrictionist...
Lee, Ahlam, Eun‐A. Park, and HyunJung Jo. "Social Comparison Concerns and Competitive Attitudes of North Korean Refugees and South Koreans: Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences" Japanese Psychological Research (2023). Abstract Although refugees often face competition in their efforts to survive and achieve upward mobility, little is understood about their psychological processes concerning competition. In...
Weller, Nicholas and Thomas Jamieson. "Correcting Myopia: Effect of Information Provision on Support for Preparedness Policy" Political Research Quarterly.
Tyler T Reny, Benjamin J Newman, John B Holbein, Hans J G Hassell, Public mass shootings cause large surges in Americans’ engagement with gun policy, PNAS Nexus, 2023;, pgad407, https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad407
Abstract Skilled foreign-born workers are critical to firms. Yet political or cultural factors can lead governments to restrict skilled immigration. To what extent, and how, does lobbying help firms overcome immigration barriers? This study explores these questions by focusing on the case of US firms and an exogenous increase in H-1B high-skilled visa denial rates...
Abstract Previous research has shown that presidential debates have “minimal effects” on aggregate electoral preferences because they mainly reinforce people's pre-existing political preferences. However, most of what we know about the behavioural effects of debates comes from research conducted in the United States and other institutionalised democracies. We re-evaluate the effects of debates on electoral...
Abstract Under what conditions do riotous-violent protests increase the likelihood of protest success? The protest literature has largely found that riotous-violent protests (RVPs) are not effective. However, a burgeoning literature contradicts these findings. We extend this literature by exploring how waves of RVPs increase the likelihood of protest success. Protesters learn from past protest-government response...
Ferrari, Diogo. (2023). hdpGLM: An R Package to Estimate Heterogeneous Effects in Generalized Linear Models Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Process. Journal of Statistical Software, 107(10), 1–37. Abstract The existence of latent clusters with different responses to a treatment is a major concern in scientific research, as latent effect heterogeneity often emerges due to latent or unobserved...
Authment, Jacob, Michelangelo Landgrave, and Nicholas Weller. 2023. " Do Public Housing Agencies Discriminate Against Latinos? A Large-Scale Replication Study to Assess Discrimination." Journal of Behavioral Public Administration , 6 (1). Abstract: Discrimination by political elites has been identified in a variety of earlier studies. However, research about discrimination by street-level bureaucrats has more mixed...
Social connections between individuals can profoundly impact their political behavior. A growing body of research on legislative politics examines how spatial proximity to fellow legislators affects voting behavior within the institution. However, studies that examine this question often suffer from a fundamental identification problem in which proximity effects may reflect actual behavioral diffusion between members...
Wang, D., Merolla, J., & Manganiello, A. 2023. The Effect of Counterstereotypic Gender Strategies on Candidate Evaluations in American Elections . Politics & Gender, 1-24.