Hire a UCR Ph.D.
Hire Our Students!
Our graduate program emphasizes rigorous and pluralistic methodological training along with a solid education in every branch of political inquiry. Below is a list of our current graduate students and recent graduates on the job market.
Please feel free to contact them directly, their advisors, or one of our placement coordinators.
Placement Coordinators
Dr. Diogo Ferrari
Dr. Indridi Indridason
Minhye JooEmail: mjoo009@ucr.edu Website: https://minhyejoo.github.io Field of study: American Politics and Mass Behavior Dissertation title: How Does Contact with Street-Level Bureaucrats Impact Immigrant Incorporation? Dissertation advisor: Jennifer L. Merolla and Nicholas Weller Selected Working Papers: “Where the American Dream Begins: How Does Contact with Street-Level Bureaucrats Impact Political Attitudes among Immigrants?” “Ambition in the Time of Covid: How Caregiving Shapes Women’s Interest in Running for Office,” Co-authored, Under Review “Conditional Love: When Do American Accept Undocumented Immigrants?” with Jieun S. Park Awards: American Political Science Association’s Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, 2023-2024 Russell Sage Foundation’s Dissertation Research Grant Scholarship, 2023-2024 UCR Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant, Fall 2023 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards, 2023-2024 Center for Ideas and Society’s Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant, 2023 Gabbert Fund Award for Dissertation Research, Winter 2023 ICPSR Department Award, Summer 2022 |
Fulya Felicity TurkmenEmail: fturk001@ucr.edu Website: https://www.fulyafelicityturkmen.com Field of study: Comparative Politics/International Relations Dissertation title: Remote Control?: Authoritarian Diaspora Engagement Policies and Emigrant Political Behavior Dissertation advisor: Kim Yi Dionne Publications: “Shifting Between Modes and Roles in Participant Observation.” 2023. Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 21(2), 41-44. “Undergraduates and Political Science Research: Insights from Research Assistants in a Minority-Serving Institution Lab” with Zabdi R. Velásquez, Jasmine Esmail, Harry Stoltz, Owura Kuffuor, John Burnett, Naia Pizarro, Kimberly Aguilar, Allison Wang, Alex Kozak, Eun-A Park, and Kim Yi Dionne. (2023). PS: Political Science & Politics. “Gender, Mobility, and Displacement: From the Shadows to Questioning Binaries” with Deniz Senol-Sert. 2022. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. “Othering and Blame During COVID-19:First Impressions and Lessons from Previous Pandemics” with Kim Yi Dionne. 2020. International Organization. Awards: Princeton Dissertation Scholar Award (Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice) UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) Dissertation Fellowship Dissertation Year Program (DYP) Award Humanities Graduate Student Research Grant Gabbert Fund Award for Dissertation Research |
Justin FreebournEmail: justin.freebourn@gmail.com Website: justinfreebourn.com Field of study: American Politics/Mass Behavior Dissertation title: Fiscal Policy Preferences in the U.S. Context: Theory, measurement, and practice Dissertation advisor: Jennifer Merolla Publications: "Preferences for Single-party versus Multi-party Governments in the Mass Public” with Shaun Bowler, Todd Donovan, and Jack Vowles. 2024. Party Politics. "The Power of Equality? Polarization and Collective Mis-representation on Gay Rights in Congress, 1989–2019” with Benjamin Bishin and Paul Teten. 2020. Political Research Quarterly. "Constituent communication through telephone town halls: A field experiment involving members of Congress” with Claire Abernathy, Kevin Esterling, Ryan Kennedy, William Minozzi, Michael Neblo, and Jonathan Solis. Legislative Studies Quarterly. Working Papers: "Scientific Duty: On a socio-politico-technical model of ideology” submitted to Journal of Politics. "Quantitative Textualism: A computational method and legal theory for drawing valid inferences from survey data” submitted to American Journal of Political Science. “Towards an Integrative, Mathematical Model of Corporate Social Responsibility in Market-based Economic Systems” submitted to Academy of Management Perspectives. “Policy Solidarity: Revisiting the Agrarian Theory of Justice” with Victoria Lam. Submitted to Academy of Management Perspectives. Awards: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2018, 2022 |
Alexander RossEmail: alex.frederick.ross@gmail.com Website: https://alexrosspolisci.com Fields of Study: Political Behavior, American Politics, Inequality, Causal Inference, Survey experiments. Dissertation Title: Owed: The Politics of Student Loan Debt Dissertation Advisors: Daniel Biggers Publications: “Strategic Considerations and Support for Direct Democracy in the United States” with Daniel R Biggers. Electoral Studies. Working papers: “Owed Gratitude? The Impact of Attempted Debt Cancelation on Attitudes and Behaviors.” “Voting and Proactive Social Norm Compliance,” with Daniel R Biggers. Awards: UCR DYP, UCR Gabbert Funds award, UCR Dissertation Completion Fellowship Award |
Sean LongEmail: slong008@ucr.edu Website: https://seandlong.github.io/ Fields of Study: Mass Political Behavior, Political Theory Dissertation Title: The Politics of White Violence Dissertation Advisors: Loren Collingwood and Farah Godrej Publications: "White identity, Donald Trump, and the mobilization of extremism". 2022. Politics, Groups, and Identities, DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2022.2025868 "Demographic Change, White Decline, and the Changing Nature of Racial Politics in Election Campaigns" with Loren Collingwood and Stephanie DeMora. 2022.. In D. Osborne & C. Sibley (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 228-242). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press "Can States Promote Minority Representation? Assessing the Effects of the California Voting Rights Act" with Loren Collingwood. 2021. Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 57(3) 731–762, DOI: 10.1177/1078087419896854 Working Papers: "Whites Don’t Punish Politicians for Explicit Racial Appeals," with Charles Crabtree, Under Review "Emotional Engagement in the Year of the Woman" with Stephanie DeMora, Christian Lindke, Jennifer Merolla, and Maricruz Osorio, Under Review "Women and Political Ambition: Running for Us or Running for Me?" with Stephanie DeMora, Christian Lindke, Jennifer Merolla, and Maricruz Osorio, Under Review Awards: Graduate Student Mentorship Award: Dissertation-related grant providing funding for one quarter to focus on research, UCR Political Science Department, Fall 2021 Graduate Student Research Award: Grant to field a survey experiment, UCR Political Science Department, Summer 2021 ICPSR Departmental Award: Funding to attend Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, UCR Political Science Department, Summer 2020 Digital Humanities Fellowship: Funding to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria, UCR Graduate Quantitative Methods Center, Summer 2019 |
Eric Benjamin MackeyEmail: emack006@ucr.edu.edu Website: ebmackey87.wixsite.com/mackeyeric/ Fields of Study: Political Theory Dissertation Title: Elite Philanthropy, Neoliberal Distortive Ideology, and Democratic Theory: How Democracy Can Respond to the Power of Wealthy Philanthropists. Dissertation Advisors: John Medearis Working Papers: “Toward a Critique and Embrace of Ideology in Deliberative Democratic Theory.” “Philanthropy and Disciplinary Gratitude.” Awards: Graduate Research Mentorship: Dissertation-related grant providing for one quarter to focus on research, UCR Political Science Department, Winter 2022. |
Nicholas T. Willis, PhDEmail: ntwillis15@gmail.com Website: https://simplywillis.github.io/nicholastwillis/ Fields of Study: Comparative Politics, Political Theory Dissertation Title: Pathways to Populism: Economics, Culture, and Ideological Convergence Dissertation Advisors: Indriði H. Indriðason Publications: Willis, N. T. & Indriðason, I. H. "No Hard Feelings? The Effects of Competition on Vote Transfers in Two-Round Elections." Forthcoming. French Politics. Working Papers: Willis, N. T. Ideological Convergence: Explaining Left and Right Populist Party Voter’s Behavior [Working Paper]. Department of Political Science, University of California - Riverside. Awards: IQMR Departmental Award: Funding to attend the Institute for Qualitative & Multi-Method Research at Syracuse University, UCR Political Science Department, Summer 2020 |