Recent Publications
Read Publications Co-Authored by Faculty and Graduate Students
Bishin, Benjamin G. and Muttram, Harry G.. "When are Identities Politically Consequential? Identifying Conditions of Descriptive, Substantive, and Allied Group Identity" The Forum, vol. 21, no. 3, 2023, pp. 339-357. https://doi.org/10.1515/for-2023-2026
Authment, Jacob, Michelangelo Landgrave, and Nicholas Weller. 2023. " Do Public Housing Agencies Discriminate Against Latinos? A Large-Scale Replication Study to Assess Discrimination." Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 6 (1).
Wang, D., Merolla, J., & Manganiello, A. 2023. The Effect of Counterstereotypic Gender Strategies on Candidate Evaluations in American Elections. Politics & Gender.
DeMora, S. L., Lindke, C., Long, S., Merolla, J. L., & Osorio, M. A. 2023. The Effect of the Political Environment on White Women’s Political Ambition. Political Research Quarterly.
DeMora, Stephanie L., Christian A. Lindke, Jennifer L. Merolla, & Laura B. Stephenson. (Forthcoming). “Ready for a Woman President? Polls, public comfort, and perceptions of electability in the 2020 Democratic nomination” Public Opinion Quarterly.
Landgrave, Michelangelo and Nicholas Weller. (Forthcoming). "Do Name-based Treatments Violate Information Equivalence? Evidence from a Correspondence Audit Experiment." Political Analysis
Landgrave, Michelangelo and Nicholas Weller. (2020) "Do More Professionalized Legislatures Discriminate Less? The Role of Staffers in Constituency Service." American Politics Research
Acácio, Igor, Miguel Carreras and Giancarlo Visconti. (Forthcoming). "The Trump Election and Attitudes toward the United States in Latin America". Public Opinion Quarterly, 85 (4).
Acácio, Igor and David Pion-Berlin. (Forthcoming). "Explaining Military Responses to Protests in Latin American Democracies". Comparative Politics.
Collingwood, Loren, Stephanie L. DeMora, and Sean Long. “Race & Mobilization.” (Forthcoming). In Danny Osborne & Chris G. Sibley (ed.) The Cambridge Political Psychology Handbook. Cambridge.
DeMora, Stephanie L., Jennifer L. Merolla, Brian Newman and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister. (2021). “Reducing Mask Resistance with Value Consistent Messages: A Study of White Evangelical Christians” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ivey, Andrew and David Pion Berlin. (2021). “Military Dissent in the United States: Are there Lessons from Latin America?” Defense and Security Analysis (2021).
Ivey, Andrew and David Pion Berlin. (2020). “Civil-Military Lessons from Latin America.” War on the Rocks.
Newman, Benjamin J., Stephanie L. DeMora, and Tyler Reny. (2020). “Female Empowerment and the Politics of Language: Evidence Using Gender-Neutral Amendments to Subnational Constitutions.” British Journal of Political Science.
Acácio, Igor and David Pion-Berlin. (2020). "The Return of the Latin American Military." Journal of Democracy 31 (4): 151-165-1087.
Newman, Benjamin J., Jennifer L. Merolla, Sono Shah, Danielle Lemi, Loren Collingwood, and S. Karthick Ramakrishnan. (2020). “The Trump Effect: An Experimental Investigation of the Emboldening Effect of Racially Inflammatory Elite Communication.” British Journal of Political Science.
Lowande, Kenneth , Melinda N. Ritchie, and Erinn Lauterbach. (2019). “Descriptive and Substantive Representation in Congress: Evidence from 80,000 Congressional Inquiries.” American Journal of Political Science 63(3): 644-659.
DeMora, Stephanie L., and Collingwood, Loren. “George P. Bush.” (2019). In Jessica Lavariega Monforti (ed.) Latinos in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders. ABC-CLIO. 2019.
Pion-Berlin, David, Igor Acácio, and Andrew Ivey. "Democratically Consolidated, Externally Threatened and NATO Aligned: Finding Unexpected Deficiencies in Civilian Control.” (2019). Democratization 26 (6): 1070-1087.
Collingwood, Loren, and DeMora, Stephanie L. “Latinos and Obama.” (2019). In Jessica Lavariega Monforti (ed.) Latinos in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders. ABC-CLIO.
Holman, Mirya R., Jennifer L. Merolla, Elizabeth J. Zechmeister, and Ding Wang. (2019). “Terrorism, Gender, and the 2016 Presidential Election.” Electoral Studies.
Miguel Carreras and Igor Acácio. (2019). Electoral Volatility in Latin America. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
Collin Grimes & David Pion-Berlin. (2019). Power Relations, Coalitions, and Rent Control: Reforming The Military’s Natural Resource Levies. Comparative Politics 51(4), 625-643.
DeMora, Stephanie, Loren Collingwood, and Adriana Ninci. (2019). The Role of Super Interest Groups in Public Policy Diffusion. Policy & Politics.
Collingwood, Loren, Stephen Omar El-Khatib, Ben Gonzalez O’Brien. (2019). Sustained Organizational Influence: American Legislative Exchange Council and the Diffusion of Anti-Sanctuary Policy. Policy Studies Journal. 47(3): 735-773.
Williams, Brian, & Indridi H. Indridason. (2018). Luck of the Draw? Private Members’ Bills and the Electoral Connection. Political Science Research and Methods, 6(2), 211-227.
Collingwood, Loren, Jason Morin, and Stephen Omar El-Khatib. (2018). Expanding Carceral Markets: Detention Facilities, ICE Contracts, and the Financial Interests of Punitive Immigration Policy. Race and Social Problems, 10(4), 275-292
Erinn Lauterbach, Ben Newman, & Sono Shah. (2018). Who sees an Hour-glass? Assessing Citizens’ Perception of Local Economic In-equality. Research & Politics.
Laursen, John Christian & Kevin Pham. (2017). Empires for Peace: Denis Veiras’s Borrowings from Garcilaso de la Vega. The European Legacy.
Gonzalez, Benjamin, Loren Collingwood, & Stephen O. El-Khatib. (2017). The Politics of Refuge: Sanctuary Cities, Crime, and Undocumented Immigration. Urban Affairs Review.
Skulley, Carrey, Andrea Silva, M.J. Lang, Loren Collingwood, and Benjamin Bishin. (2017). Majority Rule vs. Minority Rights: Immigrant Representation Despite Public Opposition on the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Politics, Groups, & Identities.
Newman, Ben, Sono Shah, and Loren Collingwood. Race, Place, and Building a Base: Local Latino Growth and the Nascent Trump Campaign for President. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Grittersova, Jana, Indridi H. Indridason, Ricardo Crespo, & Christina Gregory. (2016). Austerity and Niche Parties: The Electoral Consequences of Fiscal Reform. Electoral Studies 42: 276-289.
Bishin, Benjamin G., Thomas J. Hayes, Matthew B. Incantalupo, & Charles Anthony Smith. (2016). Opinion Backlash and Public Attitudes: Are Political Advances in Gay Rights Counterproductive?. American Journal of Political Science 60(3): 625–648.
Laursen, John Christian & Whitney Mannies. (2016). “Diderot and Diez: Complicating the Radical Enlightenment,” in Marta García Alonso, ed., Lumières radicales et politique, Paris, Champion.
Mannies, Whitney & John Christian Laursen. (2014). Denis Diderot on War and Peace: Nature and Morality. Araucaria: Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, y Humanidades, 16(32): 155-171.
Laursen, John Christian & Whitney Mannies. (2014) “Historical Interpretation,” in Michael Gibbons, ed, Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1666-1670.
Pion-Berlin, David, Diego Esparza & Kevin Grisham. (2014). Staying Quartered: Civilian Uprisings and Military Disobedience in the Twenty-First Century. Comparative Political Studies 47(2): 230-259.
Merolla, Jennifer, S. Karthick Ramakrishnan & Chris Haynes. (2013). ‘Illegal,’ ‘Undocumented,’ or ‘Unauthorized’: Equivalency Frames, Issue Frames, and Public Opinion on Immigration, Perspectives on Politics 11(3): 789-807
Hayes, Thomas J. & Bishin, Benjamin G. (2012). Issue Salience, Subconstituency Politics, and Legislative Representation. Congress & the Presidency 39(2): 133-159.
Murphy, Chad, Curt Burgess, Martin Johnson & Shaun Bowler. (2012). Heresthetics in Ballot Proposition Arguments: An Investigation of California Citizen Initiative Rhetoric. Journal of Language and Politics 11(1): 135-156.
Ugues Jr, Antonio, D Xavier Medina Vidal & Shaun Bowler. (2012). Experience Counts: Mixed Member Elections and Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies. The Journal of Legislative Studies 18(1): 98-112.
Pion-Berlin, David, Antonio Ugues Jr. & Diego Esparza. (2010). Self Advertised Military Missions in Latin America: What is Disclosed and Why? Political and Military Sociology: An Annual Review 38: 101-127.
Ramakrishnan, S. Karthick & Tom K. Wong. (2010). Partisanship, Not Spanish: Explaining Municipal Ordinances Affecting Undocumented Immigrants, in Monica Varsanyi, ed., Taking Local Control: Immigration Policy Activism in U.S. Cities and States. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
Medina, D. Xavier, Antonio Ugues, Shaun Bowler & Jonathan Hiskey. (2010). Partisan Attachment and Democracy in Mexico: Some Cautionary Observations. Latin American Politics and Society 52(1): 63-87.
Medina, D. Xavier, Antonio Ugues, Shaun Bowler & Todd Donovan. (2009). Two Political Worlds? The Relevance of Language in California Politics. California Journal of Politics and Policy 1(1).