Academic Advising
Academic Advisors | Expertise |
Kristy Salazar Nugent Academic Advisor 2205 Watkins Hall Phone: (951) 827-5502 Fax: (951) 827-3933 Email: kristy.salazar@ucr.edu |
Bryan Barker Academic Advisor 2205/2203 Watkins Hall Phone: (951) 827-5502 Email: bryan.barker@ucr.edu |
Donna Perez Academic Advisor 2203 Watkins Hall Phone: (951) 827-5312 Email: donna.perez@ucr.edu |
Make an appointment with your academic advisor
Degree-Planning Worksheets
- Department of Political Science | CHASS Student Academic Affairs (ucr.edu)
- Quarterly Breadth Requirement Options
Undergraduate Forms
All POSC 190, 197, or 199 courses require faculty approval for enrollment. Once approval is received, you should submit an Enrollment Request Form and attach the completed POSC 190, 197 or 199 form by the end of week two of each quarter. See the handout for detailed instructions. To enroll after week two, submit an Enrollment Adjustment Form at myforms.ucr.edu. See the handout for instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
I was dropped from a class. What do I do now to replace it? Will it be offered again? How will this affect my completion of other classes and requirements to graduate on time?
Look for another open class to add as soon as possible. You can check classes.ucr.edu for open courses.
Check the Degree Check in Degree Works to see how many requirements and courses you still need to graduate. Learn how to run a degree audit.
How many classes do I need to graduate? What quarter do I graduate? Do I have to apply to graduate?
You can go to the Degree Check in Degree Works to see how many requirements and courses you still need to graduate. Learn more how to run a degree audit.
Yes, you must submit an application to graduate during a specific block of time for that graduation quarter! Check chassstudentaffairs.ucr.edu for application instructions and college graduation application deadlines.
I want to change my major, what is the process?
- Go to the CHASS Student Affairs website.
- Select Advisors, Majors, Minors.
- Select your prospective major.
- Read the Major Change criteria – are you eligible to change your major?
- If you are eligible, make an appointment with the appropriate advisor.
I want to add a minor, what is the process?
- Go to the CHASS Student Affairs website.
- Select Advisors, Majors, Minors.
- Select your prospective minor.
- Make an appointment with the advisor in the minor to fill out the Petition to Declare a Minor. Signature of a major advisor is required on the petition.
- Keep in mind, you must declare at least two quarters before your expected graduation quarter
- All lower-division minor requirements must be completed in order for you to declare
- There is no overlap of courses between a major and a minor
I want to double major, what is the process?
- Go to the CHASS Student Affairs website.
- Select Advisors, Majors, Minors.
- Select your intended second major.
- Read the Major Change criteria – are you eligible to add the second major?
- Declare you double major before earning 135 units.
- Complete breadth and both majors within 216 units.
- Keep in mind, you are allowed a maximum of two upper-division courses that can be counted for both majors.
Can I elect the S/NC grading option for a major requirement?
No, all courses taken in the major (both lower and upper-division) must be taken for letter grade.
Where is the CHASS College Office located?
CHASS offices are located in the 3400 Humanities Building.
Where are the Registrar’s Office, Admissions Office, and Financial Aid located?
The Registrar’s Office, Admissions Office, and Financial Aid located are located in the Student Services Building.
How can I find out if a course taken at a California community college is UC transferable and if it is equivalent to a course at UCR?
Use assist.org to find out if your class is UC transferable and if it is equivalent to a course at UCR.
Where do I send official transcripts for classes taken at a community college, UCR Extension, or another UC?
Send transcripts to:
University of California, Riverside
Undergraduate Admissions
3106 Student Services Building
Riverside, CA 92521 -
In the Schedule of Classes, can I enroll in classes that are “Reserved?”
Seats are reserved in fall and winter quarters to accommodate special student populations such as incoming first-year and incoming transfer students from the community colleges. Remaining seats are made available to the general student population in the second enrollment period.
What are the deadlines to add a course, drop a course, or change the grading basis?
To see all deadlines, go to the UCR Academic Calendar on the Registrar’s website. Each quarter, you can register online through the end of Week 2. In Week 3, you can use the Enrollment Adjustment Form to add a course, drop a course, or change the grading basis.
I’m a senior, when is the best time to study abroad?
We highly encourage seniors to go abroad in the fall of your senior year and not during your graduation quarter, especially if you are planning to go to professional school or law school right after graduation. You may not have your degree posted on your official transcript if EAP courses/grades are still outstanding, and therefore you may not be able to meet professional school/law school application deadlines. Official transcripts can take more than 90+ days to be received and processed – it can delay clearing your graduation application. Worst case scenario – your graduation quarter will be extended to the next quarter if EAP courses/grades are not posted to your records.
How will I know if an EAP course will satisfy a major requirement?
Send course descriptions for the courses you plan to take to your academic advisor before you set up an academic advising appointment. This will allow time to review the course descriptions. Bring back all syllabi for the EAP courses taken – they may be needed for further review of course content.
Do I have to take the MAE?
For the political science administrative studies major, the MAE is required.
My overall GPA is above a 2.00, why am I on academic probation?
You are placed on academic probation if the overall and/or the term GPA is below 2.00.
See more information about academic standing at the CHASS Student Affairs website.
My overall GPA is above a 2.00, why am I on subject to dismissal status?
You are placed on Subject to Dismissal status if the overall and/or the term GPA is below 1.50.
See more information about academic standing at the CHASS Student Affairs website.