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Academic Advising

Academic Advisors Expertise
Kristy Salazar Nugent
Academic Advisor
2205 Watkins Hall
Phone: (951) 827-5502
Fax: (951) 827-3933
Email: kristy.salazar@ucr.edu
  • Graduation for political science students with last names A - Gr
  • Major changes and readmission
  • Academic Standing, Enrollment Strategies, Internships, etc.
  • Appointments & Drop-ins
Bryan Barker
Academic Advisor
2205/2203 Watkins Hall
Phone: (951) 827-5502
Email: bryan.barker@ucr.edu
  • Graduation for political science students with last names Gu - Or
  • Major changes and readmission
  • Academic Standing, Enrollment Strategies, Internships, etc.
  • Appointments & Drop-ins
Donna Perez
Academic Advisor
2203 Watkins Hall
Phone: (951) 827-5312
Email: donna.perez@ucr.edu
  • Graduation for political science students with last names Os - Z
  • Major changes and readmission
  • Academic Standing, Enrollment Strategies, Internships, etc.
  • Appointments & Drop-ins

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Degree-Planning Worksheets

Undergraduate Forms

All POSC 190, 197, or 199 courses require faculty approval for enrollment. Once approval is received, you should submit an Enrollment Request Form and attach the completed POSC 190, 197 or 199 form by the end of week two of each quarter. See the handout for detailed instructions. To enroll after week two, submit an Enrollment Adjustment Form at myforms.ucr.edu. See the handout for instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions