Political Science Honor Society (Pi Sigma Alpha)
Political Science Honors Society
PSA is the only nationally recognized honor society in political science. Our goal is to promote high academic achievement in political science. PSA is not a sorority or fraternity. PSA is not associated or affiliated with Alpha Pi Sigma.
Incentives of Membership to the National Organization
Every term, our academic advisor puts out a call for students who meet our eligibility criteria for high scholastic achievement. Those invited to join could enjoy the following benefits:
- Membership itself is a nationally recognized prestigious accolade
- Access to the PSA Journal and research conference
- Financial assistance and awards
- Start as a GS-7 Federal Employee
- Discount on Kaplan Prep Courses
- Discounted American Political Science Association (APSA) membership
- Right to wear graduation regalia
- Check out details on the national website!
Joining PSA at UCR
All students are eligible to join our club as prospective members! This means even if you don't meet the criteria for formal induction, you are still entitled to all the rights and privileges inherent to club membership, which means you can participate in our elections, socials, and other events! Participating as a prospective member is completely free and open to the public.
Getting Inducted at the National Level
Students can be inducted into the national organization by accepting their personal invitation to join sent to via their institutional email (ucr.edu). The one-time lifetime membership fee is $35.
Undergraduates must (1a) have completed at least ninety quarter-units with 15 units in political science, including at least one upper-level course, (2a) have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.2, and (3a) have achieved an overall GPA placing them in the top one-fourth of their whole class (e.g., junior or senior class).
Graduate Students must (1b) have completed at least nine graduate credits in political science (1b) have never received a grade lower than a B.
Contact Us
Email: ucrPSAhonors@gmail.com
Instagram: ucr.psa
Phone: 626.629.9891
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ib5qcD
Chapter Representative: Donald Zarate (dzara016@ucr.edu)
Academic Advisor: Donna Perez (donna.perez@ucr.edu)
Annual Emerging Scholars Sympsoium
Our spring symposium aims to present some of the best political-science-related papers throughout the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) at UCR! Each paper, personally nominated by professors and instructors, goes through a rigorous review by our PSA Alumni, get the opportunity to learn how to tailor their paper for future publication, and get valuable experience presenting their research to a non-specialized audience! For details on making submissions, check out our call for papers here.
The 2024 Sympsoim was a huge success, bringing together dozens of scholars came together and heard from three upcoming scholars speak about their research. We even had the pleasure of having the Mayor of Norco, Kevin Bash, provide a wonderful keynote on local politics. Below are some highlights from the event, but you can view even more here!
Check out this news post on our first Symposium in 2023!