Newman, B.J., Reny, T.T. & Merolla, J.L. Race, Prejudice and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of “Blue Lives Matter”. (2023). Political Behavior
The similarity of parties’ policy preferences has long been considered an important determinant of whether they form a government coalition. That similarity has typically been assessed based on the parties’ respective locations in a policy space. The degree to which parties care about different issues may, however, also vary. Parties that care about different issues...
Rachel VanSickle-Ward, Adrian Pantoja, Morrey Liedke & Dana Nothnagel (2023). Abortion, Attitudes and Appointments: How Gender and Reproductive Rights Shaped Views on Amy Coney Barrett and Voter Turnout in 2020. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 44:1, 40-55, DOI: 10.1080/1554477X.2023.2160919
Steven Liao & Daniel McDowell. Closing Time: Reputational Constraints on Capital Account Policy in Emerging Markets. The Review of International Organizations
Kane, John V. and Benjamin J. Newman. Forthcoming. "What They Have but Also Who They Are: Avarice, Elitism, and Public Support for Taxing the Rich." Public Opinion Quarterly.