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Race, Prejudice and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of “Blue Lives Matter”

Newman, B.J., Reny, T.T. & Merolla, J.L. Race, Prejudice and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of “Blue Lives Matter”. (2023). Political Behavior

Pieces of the puzzle? Coalition formation & tangential preferences

The similarity of parties’ policy preferences has long been considered an important determinant of whether they form a government coalition. That similarity has typically been assessed based on the parties’ respective locations in a policy space. The degree to which parties care about different issues may, however, also vary. Parties that care about different issues...

Abortion, Attitudes and Appointments: How Gender and Reproductive Rights Shaped Views on Amy Coney Barrett and Voter Turnout in 2020

Rachel VanSickle-Ward, Adrian Pantoja, Morrey Liedke & Dana Nothnagel (2023). Abortion, Attitudes and Appointments: How Gender and Reproductive Rights Shaped Views on Amy Coney Barrett and Voter Turnout in 2020. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 44:1, 40-55, DOI: 10.1080/1554477X.2023.2160919

Closing Time: Reputational Constraints on Capital Account Policy in Emerging Markets

Steven Liao & Daniel McDowell. Closing Time: Reputational Constraints on Capital Account Policy in Emerging Markets. The Review of International Organizations

Economic Inequality, the Working Poor, and Belief in the American Dream

Benjamin J. Newman. "Economic Inequality, the Working Poor, and Belief in the American Dream." Public Opinion Quarterly.

Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State

Farah Godrej. Freedom Inside? Yoga and Meditation in the Carceral State (Oxford University Press, 2022)

The Effect of Party Identification and Party Cues on Populist Attitudes

Diogo Ferrari. The Effect of Party Identification and Party Cues on Populist Attitudes. Research & Politics.

What They Have but Also Who They Are: Avarice, Elitism, and Public Support for Taxing the Rich

Kane, John V. and Benjamin J. Newman. Forthcoming. "What They Have but Also Who They Are: Avarice, Elitism, and Public Support for Taxing the Rich." Public Opinion Quarterly.